JLA is recruiting for Smoke Signals!
Sunday December 06, 2020
JLA is recruiting for our renowned publication, Smoke Signals!
The Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations (FOCA) has singled out our magazine as one of the best lake association publications in Ontario and we are committed to reinforcing this reputation.
We are also recruiting a team of volunteers to assist with:
(a) content: layout, artwork/photography and written material, and
(b) advertising: connect with the business community and obtain advertisements to fund the publication.
The Editor and team develop all editorial and related artwork including reviewing and finalizing articles before publication. Additionally, the Editor will manage the workflow of the publication and make recommendations to the JLA Board regarding content.
The Editor and volunteers should have experience/ expertise including creative approaches to publication. The JLA is interested in exploring new channels for communications.. Therefore, candidates with fresh ideas about content and formatting, such as various types of digital formats, would be favourably considered. As this is a JLA publication, there is a strong preference that all volunteers are members or will become members of the JLA.
In addition, we welcome contributions from all Lakers to send their stories of the lake including activities, nature & the environment, history, articles on why we love our lake as well as ideas for important required changes as we move forward.
Interested parties should send their questions and resumes to Ruth Davenport (rdavenport@sympatico.ca). The deadline for applications is 15 January 2021.
A special thanks goes to our previous editors, Willie Johnson who took over the duties from Ashleigh Johnston.